@article{oai:gchs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000089, author = {鵜生川, 恵美子 and Ubukawa, Emiko}, journal = {群馬県立県民健康科学大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {Article, 目的:医療系学生を対象とした英語講読クラスにおける医療をテーマとした小説の教材としての有用性を,疑似体験に焦点を当てて検証する.方法:医療をテーマとした小説Tuesdays with Morrie(1997)を教材とし,自作のワークシートを使用して授業を行なった.疑似体験の場としての文学への認識,医療者にとっての疑似体験の必要性等に関して,授業前・後に実施したアンケートから,学生の意識変化を分析し,医療をテーマとした小説の教材としての有用性を確認する.結果:医療者としての人生経験の必要性,それを補完するための疑似体験の重要性,文学による疑似体験獲得の可能性に関して,履修学生は高い意識を備えていたが,本授業を通じてさらに高められた.結論:医療をテーマとした小説を教材とした授業は,学生の医療者としての疑似体験の必要性に対する意識向上の一助となった.学生のこれらの意識の維持,および向上のために,さらに文学教材の活用方法を改善することが今後の課題である., Objectives : The aim of this study was to prove the appropriateness of using medically-themed literature in the English as a foreign language (EFL) reading classroom for future healthcare professionals. Methods : In the EFL reading classroom, the students were required to read a medically-themed novel (Tuesdays with Morrie, 1997), use worksheets created by teachers, and answer a questionnaire. The questionnaire measured their attitudes toward literature as a resource for vicarious experiences and the necessity of experiencing a wide range of situations to prepare for their future professions, even if such situations are experienced vicariously. By analyzing the results of the questionnaires, we clarified the appropriateness of using a medically-themed novel in the EFL reading classroom for future healthcare professionals. Results : After the EFL class, the students showed positive changes in their attitudes toward literature as a resource for gaining vicarious experiences and toward the necessity of vicarious experiences for in-training healthcare professionals. Conclusions : Using a medically-themed novel in the EFL reading classroom could help in-training healthcare professionals to become fully aware of the benefits of reading literature to vicariously experience various situations in order to understand a variety of people in clinical settings. Literature has the potential to help Japanese in-training healthcare professionals change their attitudes toward literature as a resource for gaining vicarious experiences and toward the necessity of vicarious experiences for in-training healthcare professionals. In order to further enhance the attitudes of future healthcare professionals, it is necessary to improve the usage of literature in the EFL classroom., 報告, 群馬県立県民健康科学大学紀要10,109-120,2015}, pages = {109--120}, title = {医療系学生を対象とした英語講読クラスにおける文学教材の可能性}, volume = {10}, year = {2015} }